Getting into medical school is no easy task. The stress is high and so is the coffee consumption. The MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) is a required five-and-a-half-hour standardized exam for students wishing to enter medical school. It tests your knowledge and analytical skills in biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, writing, reading and physics. Expect to study many hours for this difficult test. Although preparing for the MCAT can be a daunting task, taking the test requires a few simple steps.
Step 1
Plan to take the MCAT one year prior to entering medical school. The MCAT is valid for up to three years, so make your plans accordingly.
Step 2
After you decide when you want to apply to medical school, register for the MCAT. The AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) offers online registration for a small fee. The test is offered each month, so choose the best date for you.
Step 3
After registering for the MCAT, decide how to study for the test. Many options are available. Review college science notes and peruse the bookstore for MCAT preparation materials. Take a Kaplan or Princeton Review MCAT preparation course (See Resources for links). These courses are well-structured and provide practice MCATs that simulate real-test conditions. Take note, these standardized test courses are pricey. Decide what is best for you.
Step 4
After deciding how to study, develop a study plan. Make sure to study all subjects equally. Take many practice MCATs and learn from your mistakes.
Step 5
After developing a study plan, follow it. Study hard, but remember to take many breaks. The MCAT tests not only your knowledge, but also your stamina. Don't give up.
Step 6
After studying, take the MCAT. Congratulations, you successfully completed an important process in the admission process to medical schools.

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